Community Classes – November
Tuesdays, November 3 & 17, 2020
10 – 11:30 am
Limited spots available. Adults who would like to participate in the class are able to register and pay the fee for their own slot (if available). Admission to the Exhibits is not included. There are two ways to register: in person at the Guest Services desk in the Museum lobby or contact the Group Sales department during regular weekday business hours at groups@cookmuseum.org or (256) 898-6312.
Identical class topics offered on all November Community Class dates.
November Class Topics:
K – 4th Grade Class: Extraordinary Life Cycles
$12 (+ tax) per participant
Maximum: 10
You will discover the amazing abilities that ladybugs, frogs, and sea turtles require to complete their life cycles. Live animals and biofacts are used to provide specific examples of the life cycle process. Also, become familiar with the life cycle of a plant by starting bean seeds to take home so you can watch the plant life cycle occur right before your very eyes!
5th – 12th Grade Class: Pig Dissection
$25 (+tax) per participant
Maximum: 15
Love biology? Come participate in a fetal pig dissection! You will consider the specific morphological and physiological traits that define mammals and identify which characteristics of Sus scrofa classify them as mammals. You will work through a guided dissection of a fetal pig, observing organ systems and major organs, focusing on how form allows function at every level of physiology. Finally, you will determine the benefits and handicaps of living in social groups and connect their conclusions to the life strategies of wild and domestic pigs.