February Homeschool Classes
Tuesdays, February 9 & 23
10 – 11:30 am
$12 (+ tax) per participant
Limited spots available. Adults who would like to participate in the class are able to register and pay the $12 fee for their own slot (if available). Admission to the Exhibits is not included. There are two ways to register: in person at the Guest Services desk in the Museum lobby or contact the Group Sales department during regular weekday business hours at groups@cookmuseum.org or (256) 898-6312.
Identical class topics offered on all February Homeschool Class dates.
February Class Topics:
K – 2nd Grade Class: Amazing Animals – Fish & Other Aquatic Animals
What makes a fish a fish? What characteristics do they all share? Come learn about some of the amazing creatures that call water home. You will even get to interact with a diamondback terrapin!
3rd – 6th Grade Class: Many Mighty Molecules
Come explore the polar molecule that all life needs, H2O! Learn about the unique molecular structure of water and its chemical properties. By knowing how much water is in the world and how much of it is usable, we consider the best ways to use it. Model the water cycle and test water samples for potability during the hands-on activities.
7th – 12th Grade Class: Your Genes Look Good on You!
Come explore how the genes passed from parents to offspring determine every feature of all living things, from the shape of a leaf to the number of bristles on an insect leg. Take an up-close look at lizards to appreciate physical differences among them and conduct an experiment with Daphnia (water fleas) to appreciate physiological differences within a population. Genes make us who we are and that’s pretty amazing!