Lunch & Learn: The Journey of a Whooping Crane Chick
Lunch & Learn: The Journey of a Whooping Crane Chick
Thursday, January 7 at Noon
FREE for Members or $5 for non-Members
Join us at the Cook Museum as Taylor Franklin, from the International Crane Foundation, presents the Journey of a Whooping Crane Chick: From Hatch to Flight. See how a fuzzy cinnamon-colored chick becomes a magnificent 5-foot tall bird! This presentation will be delivered via Zoom with a live 15-minute Q&A at the end.
The Cook Museum’s Lunch & Learn Lecture Series provides educational and engaging lectures to inspire attendees to be more curious about the Natural World around us. The Lunch & Learn Series is free for Members and $5 for non-Members. Admission to the Exhibits is not included. Participants may purchase lunch in advance from Nature’s Table by calling (256) 898-6301 or placing an order online at www.cookmuseum.naturestable.com. Participants may also bring a lunch with them. The doors will open at 11:30 am for those that want to eat before the talk begins.