Pumpkin Stencil Design Contest
Age categories: Ages 12 & Under, Ages 13 – 17, Ages 18 & older
Submissions Due By: October 17 at 4:30 pm
Let your inner artist shine and take part in the Cook Museum stencil design contest! We want your help to create the designs that will be carved onto pumpkins that will be displayed in the live animal enclosures in the Discover Exhibit on October 29. For your submission, you will draw the outlines for the parts of the pumpkin that will be cut out.
Stop by the Museum Store to pick up your stencil or download the stencil online and submit your design concept by October 17 at 4:30 pm. Designs are encouraged to be natural science related. The two designs selected from each age category will win a $10 Museum gift card.
Rules and Information:
· Paper and digital submissions only.
· One submission per person.
· Entries must be submitted by October 17 at 4:30 pm either in person to the Museum Store or to museumprogramming@cookmuseum.org
· Must be your own unique design.
· The winning designs will be notified via email by October 24. The designs and categories will be shared on the Museum’s social media.
· Winners must collect their gift card from the Museum within 90 days of being awarded. The gift card may be redeemed for any goods or services (except for other gift cards) sold onsite by the Cook Museum of Natural Science. Use of the gift card constitutes acceptance of the card terms and conditions. Gift card does not expire nor are there fees associated with it. Gift card will not be replaced if lost, stolen, or destroyed and is not refundable or redeemable for cash, except as required by law.
· Cook Museum employees and immediate family members are not eligible to win.